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花 华 滑 化 划 画 话 桦的英文

"花 华 滑 化 划 画 话 桦"怎么读


  • hua
  • "花"英文翻译    flower; blossom; bloom
  • "华"英文翻译    Huashan Mountain a surname
  • "滑"英文翻译    slippery; smooth
  • "化"英文翻译    change; turn; transform
  • "划"英文翻译    delimit; differentiate
  • "画"英文翻译    draw; paint
  • "话"英文翻译    word; talk
  • "桦"英文翻译    birch
  • "画,划;拖;拨出" 英文翻译 :    draw
  • "桦" 英文翻译 :    名词[植物学] (落叶乔木或灌木) birch 白桦 white birch
  • "滑" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(光滑; 滑溜) slippery; smooth 又圆又滑的小石子 smooth, round pebbles; 雨后路滑。 the road is slippery after rain. 这块布料摸起来很滑。 the cloth feels smooth.2.(油滑; 狡诈) cunning; crafty; slippery 油腔滑调 said of persuasive but not reliable talker; full of guile and cunning; 又奸又滑 mean and craftyⅡ动词(贴着物体表面移动) slip; slide 孩子们喜欢在新打光的地板上滑来滑去。 the children loved sliding round the newly polished floor. 我在冰上滑倒了。 i slipped on the ice. 咱们顺着这草坡滑下去吧。 let's slide down this grassy slope.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 滑寿 hua shou
  • "画" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(用笔或类似笔的东西做出图形) draw; paint 画画儿 draw a picture; 画圈儿 draw [describe] a circle; 画素描 sketch; make a sketch; 画水彩画 paint in watercolours; 画一幅水墨画 paint a picture in chinese ink2.(用笔或类似笔的东西做出线或作为标记的文字) draw; mark;delineate 画线 draw a line; 画押 make one's cross [mark]Ⅱ名词1.(画成的艺术品) drawing; painting; picture 版画 engraving; 壁画 mural painting; 风景画 landscape painting; 年画 new year picture; 油画 oil painting2.(汉字的一笔叫一画)stroke (of a chinese character):“人”字两画。 the character 人 is made up of two strokes.3.(姓氏) a surname 画芳 hua fangⅢ形容词(用图画装饰的) be decorated with paintings or pictures 画栋雕梁 painted pillars and carved beams (of a magnificent building)
  • "华" 英文翻译 :    华名词1.(华山, 在陕西) huashan mountain (in shaanxi province)2.(姓氏) a surname 华伟 hua wei
  • "划" 英文翻译 :    划动词1.(拨水前进) paddle; row 划船 paddle [row] a boat; go boating; 他们每分钟划 40桨。 they rowed 40 to the minute. 探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游划去。 the explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.2.(合算) be to one's profit; pay 划得来。 it is worthwhile.; it pays. 这么好的地, 种饲料划不来。 it doesn't pay to grow feed crops on such good soil.3.(用尖锐的东西在别的东西上割) scratch; cut the surface of 划玻璃 cut a piece of glass; 闪电划过长空。 the lightning flashed across the sky. 她手划破了。 her hands were scratched.4.(一种东西在另一种东西上擦或扫过) scratch; strike 他划了一根火柴。 he struck a match.
  • "花" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(种子植物的有性繁殖器官) flower; blossom; bloom 雌[雄] 花 female [male] flower; 开花 come into bloom; 两性花 hermaphrodite flower; 桃花 peach blossom2.(可供观赏的植物) flower 浇花 water flowers; 种花 cultivate [plant; grow] flowers; 牡丹是艳丽的花。 a peony is a showy flower. 我不太喜欢花园里种植的花。 i don't care much for garden flowers.3.(形状像花朵的东西) anything resembling a flower 灯花 snuff; 火花 spark; 浪花 spray; 雪花在空中飞舞。 snowflakes are dancing in the air.4.(烟火的一种) fireworks 放花 let off fireworks5.(花纹) pattern; design 白地蓝花 blue patterns on a white surface; 她织的花儿真好看。 the pattern she knitted is really beautiful. 这被面的花儿很大方。 the design on this quilt cover is quite elegant.6.(比喻事业的精华) flower 文艺之花 flower of literature and art7.(指妓女或跟妓女有关的) prostitute; courtesan 烟花女 prostitutes; 烟花柳巷 redlight district; the stews; 寻花问柳 spend one's time with prostitutes8.(棉花) cotton 废花 waste cotton; 轧花 gin cotton9.(痘) smallpox 出花儿 get smallpox; 种花儿 vaccinate10.(作战时受的外伤) wound 他在战斗中挂了花。 he got wounded in action. ⑾ (姓氏) a surname: 花荣 hua rongⅡ形容词1.(颜色或种类错杂的) multicoloured; coloured; variegated 花蝴蝶 variegated butterfly; 花衣服 bright-coloured clothes; 小花狗 spotted puppy; 布染花了。 the cloth is dyed unevenly.2.(眼睛模糊迷乱) blurred; dim 看书看得眼睛都花了 read until the print looks blurred; 老眼昏花 dim-sighted from old age3.(用来迷惑人的; 不真实或不真诚的) fancy; florid; flowery; showy 你的字太花了。 your handwriting is too fancy. 他又在耍花招了。 he is up to his tricks again. 要练好基本功, 别尽学花架子。 you should spend time on basic training, not on those flourishes.Ⅲ动词(用; 耗费) spend; expend 很花时间take a lot of time; be time-consuming; 这项工程我们花了五年多时间。 we spent over five years on this project. 政府花了大量资金帮助改良这片土地。 the government spent a lot of money to help make this land better
  • "话" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(说出来的能够表达思想的声音, 或者把这种声音记录下来的文字) word; talk 留话 leave a message; leave word; 告别话 farewell; 收回自己的话 take back one's words; 说几句话 say a few words; 话一起涌到他的嘴边。 words rushed to his lips. 他们一味说大话。 they indulge in tall talk.Ⅱ动词(说; 谈) talk about; speak about 话家常 chitchat; exchange small talk; 忆苦思甜话今昔 talk about the happiness of today in contrast with the misery of the past
  • "化" 英文翻译 :    化动词(用; 耗费) spend; expend 化钱买书 spend money on books; 他在作业上化的时间不多。 he doesn't spend much time on his homework.
  • "划、划、划小船" 英文翻译 :    row row row the boat
  • "画,刻画" 英文翻译 :    depict
  • "把…划" 英文翻译 :    row 2
  • "德 华" 英文翻译 :    andy lau
  • "高 华" 英文翻译 :    kyle korver
  • "路 华" 英文翻译 :    steve novak
  • "沙 华" 英文翻译 :    devon sawa
  • "划,划,划你的船" 英文翻译 :    row,row,row your boat
花 华 滑 化 划 画 话 桦的英文翻译,花 华 滑 化 划 画 话 桦英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译花 华 滑 化 划 画 话 桦,花 华 滑 化 划 画 话 桦的英文意思,花 華 滑 化 劃 畫 話 樺的英文花 华 滑 化 划 画 话 桦 meaning in English花 華 滑 化 劃 畫 話 樺的英文花 华 滑 化 划 画 话 桦怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。